Elite Ivy League School Admissions Concierge At Your Fingertips

Ivy League School Admissions Specialist

Hundreds of thousands of students and professionals apply globally to Ivy League schools every single year. For us, we want to only work with a select handful of students because we love to be on first name basis with our students. When you sign up with us, we make sure to pair you with one of our ten specialists based upon your profile and where you want to go. For us, it matters that you are inspired by your specialist and enjoy the Ivy League school admissions journey.

Neha Gupta, founder of Ivy League Shortcuts and Elite Private Tutors, hand selects each specialist on her team, and selects only ten on her dream team to learn the system that has gotten students in for the last ten years, based upon admissions directors desires, data driven information, and the heart and soul of helping each student. We treat every student with the best level of care and attention as we only take on a small amount of applications to ensure the highest level of quality.


Yes, you heard us right. Most consulting firms charge hourly and try to stretch hours and take months to get this process completed. Instead, your child will get a team behind them – similar to a Ivy League school admissions office. You will have your main specialist, essay editors, and more, because we know the best ways to cross your t’s and dot your i’s is to have a team checking every single part.


Step Zero: Guidance and Mentorship

For people that want to work with us 1-2 years in advance, we mentor them in finding the right internships and opportunities to stand out in the application process.


Step One: The Right School – Means Everything

Did you know that 26% of students transfer because they miss this step? Through our detailed questions and understanding of your background, we do a deep dive in knowing you and who you are. We want to get to know your passion, personality, and perfect fit environment. We will also determine the best strategy for applying.


Step Two: What Is Your Unique Angle?

Having a key story that demonstrates your profile and aspirations is important in building the best admissions narrative to present you in the best light. This step will help to make sure you stand out in front of the sea of applications.


Step Three: Applications Management

Because we have been inside the application process for 12+ years, we can help navigate you away from the common pitfalls students make when applying for Ivy League school. Instead of being confused about where essays go and how to handle it, we make sure that we keep all our details on our Elite Edge Dashboard in one place. Organization is key in this process.


Step Four: Essay Strategy

On average 85% of students write more essays than they need to for Ivy League school – making the process harder and harder for them? Instead of students having to re-write essays, our specialist will ensure that you get the best strategy prior to even putting pencil to paper.


Step Five: Crafting The Perfect Essays

Because most university teachers do not teach the writing style of what is needed for a Ivy League school admissions essay, we go through our unique “Brainstorming Shortcut” technique that helps you to write the essays in half the time. We continue to create magic while crafting essays that align with your admissions narrative.


Step Six: Editing Essays To Final Draft

Instead of having you stare at us while we edit, we have a team of editors that will battle every single word out on each essay on their own. We make sure every essay matches perfectly for each Ivy League school to give a comprehensive picture of your aspirations and dreams. Essays are delivered error-free and ready to go for submission with resume.


Step Seven: Interview Process

We have detailed training on exactly how to nail the interview – from body language, what to wear and what not to wear, attitude and energy and what to prepare for. We believe that first impressions are everything.


Step Eight: Submission Process

While we would love to give you all our secrets of how we help students stand out – this step is the bow on top piece of the process. Here we make sure students submit their applications on time as well as use our secret techniques of submission to truly stand out from the hundreds of thousands of students that apply each year.

Letter from Neha Gupta

Hey There,

Looks like you are really wanting to get into the Ivy League school of your dreams.

I went to a competitive private school, and I still felt like I didn’t get enough time with my counselor. Ivy League Schools are competitive to get into – and some have as low as a 1 in 10 chance of getting in!

As the Head Nerd of Ivy League Shortcuts, every applicant that I take under my wing becomes my own. We believe in working with students with heart and love to ensure that this journey of starting a new chapter in life is a positive experience. I have a lower rate of hiring than top Ivy League institutions, and our team has helped students get into programs that have acceptance rates as low as 4.5%. Our team knows how competitive the market is, and exactly what you need to do so we can cut your stress and anxiety by 90% and increase your chances of getting in significantly.

There is so much information out there, and honestly, people can spend so much wasted time trying to write the best essays, only to find that they didn’t get their point across.

Like I always say to my clients, you don’t always change your own oil in your car, you hire a mechanic. When it comes to the Ivy League school admissions process, why do it yourself when you only applied to one or two schools verses someone who has applied to thousands?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us, our team truly cares about every student we work with because we believe that every applicant should achieve their dreams.

Neha Gupta


Want To Reach Us To Find Out More Information? Due to high call volumes of parents wanting our exclusive Ivy League Shortcuts Program. you must book an admissions interview call with a specialist below.

Book your FREE 25 Minute Discovery Call at https://calendly.com/dreamcollege/25-minute-discovery-call